Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good News/Bad News

First the good news:

We're back home again, we've had a couple of days to rest up a bit, and we're getting back into our normal routines again.

Adam has not experienced any pain since we left the hospital.

Now the bad news:

Well, it is really less bad news than somewhat frustrating news.

We really don't know any more than when we started our week. Since the trial ended before the medication reached the potential beneficial level, we don't know if it would be a possible treatment for Adam. We don't know if it was the catheter placement that was the problem, or the medication, or perhaps that Adam is very sensitive to a catheter inserted in his spinal column and would've needed a longer time to adjust. We just don't know.

We're not sure yet about the next step--we'll head back to Fort Worth at some point to confer with the doctor. Until then, we're just glad to be home!

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