Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kaney Chronicle once again!

We initially set up this blog when we were traveling to Memphis a couple of years ago for some testing for Adam. Although we liked the idea of keeping up with it, other things kept getting in the way.

We decided to pull it back out of the virtual mothballs as Brian is getting ready to travel to China with the National Severe Storms Lab (leaves on Friday, June 25), and we thought that it would be a good thing to use the blog to let others follow his trip. He will post some information and pictures on the blog as he has time.

We'll also be traveling to the East Coast in July, so maybe we'll get a few pictures and messages from that trip as well!

Happy trails!

1 comment:

RhetorRick said...

Greetings, This should be fun!!!Can't wait to see what all the Kaney's are up to across the globe.