But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Run down of today's activities...left the house at around 7am, dropped the dog off at the kennel, headed down the road to Fort Worth. We arrived in plenty of time to check in early for the pre-op appointment, answered many questions, heard much information, signed many forms, got blood drawn for testing, and received instructions for Tuesday. We were pretty excited to learn that we have been given a couple of hours reprieve on our check-in time--don't need to be at the hospital until 7am! Sounds much nicer than the original plan of 5am.
The plan for tomorrow will be to have the prep work begin at 7am, surgery will likely commence by around 9am, and last 3-4 hours. This surgery is part one...the placement of the grid of electrodes to do more extensive brain mapping. Once out of surgery, he is scheduled to spend the first night in ICU.
He will be off of his seizure meds, so just like last summer at the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, the goal is for him to have seizures and collect data in order to plan the next phase. Depending on how long it takes to gather the needed data, the second surgery could happen as early as Thursday (not super likely) but it has tentatively been set for Friday (assuming enough data has been gathered).
The second surgery will involve removing the electrode grid, as well as addressing the issues that they find. Most likely scenario is that they will be removing the small damaged portion of the brain. Following the second surgery, Adam will likely remain in the hospital for 3-5 more days to recover and get stable enough to head home.
We'll be updating as we know more, but this gives you a rough idea of what is coming.
We do have a room at the Ronald McDonald House again for this visit, and if anyone would like to send a card, the easiest path is to send it there.
Adam Kaney, rm. 213
Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth
1004 7th Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
We did get to do a couple of fun things today...the following photos are from the freshly unveiled Lego model of the Cook Children's Medical Center. Very cool and very recently completed, so we timed that right! We also explored the historic part of Fort Worth, but I'll save that for another post.
1 comment:
The lego model was really huge and very cool. And came in handy, as there has been a lot of construction finished just since we were here in June. The food court has completely moved and been re-worked. They kept the King Arthur theme, but changed the name from the older, obesity friendly, title of 'Sir-Eat's-A-Lot' to the new name of 'Camelot Court'.
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