Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day Two - Recovery from day one

Here's a outside view of Cook's Children Medical Center at night. It is really a top notch facility. That I hope you never have to visit. This is along my 2 block walk from the Ronald McDonald House to the hospital.

Here is Adam on Tuesday morning. He is still in ICU here. He was still going in and out of sleep a lot at this point. This wasn't too long before his first seizure at 10 AM. He has since had a second seizure at about 3:30 PM. It is looking pretty likely now, that phase II of the surgery will be on Friday. That is about as early as it could be and means we might be headed home before the weekend after next, which would be great. Adam perked up quite a bit more this afternoon, but was pretty much ready for a much longer sleep by about 8:30-9 PM.

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