The next three are a progression of Adam's changing "look" throughout the day as he relaxed, and then got fitted with EEG headgear to wear for the next few days. The goal here is to capture as much information about what is going on in his brain during the seizures.
Mid-morning...chilling with a beverage, and lots of instructions and procedures to learn.
EEG leads glued to head, check. Multiple arm bands with useful and necessary information, check. Let the fun begin!
This last shot captures him at the end of the day, relaxing and enjoying a movie. The room is set up with a TV and DVD/VHS player, and even a Wii. We may play that tomorrow. As for me, I'm planning on treating myself to a latte from the Starbucks on 1st floor, and we're going to scope out the Build-A-Bear Workshop...also on the 1st floor of the hospital! This place has it all!!!
This says RetorRick but it is really me.HI Y'all!! Sending all love, prayers, good hopes, and best wishes for answers.
A very good Tex-Mex is just around the corner. Mexican Inn, recommend Arroz Compoua unsure as to the spelling. Their tortillas and chips are made in house and the hot sauce is one of the best. It is on 8th Ave. Just across from Ronald McDonald house. All nurse's and Dr. will be able to direct you.
I hope you find the caregivers @ Cook's to be wonderful. Love to all of you!!!!!!!!!
Be sure to check out the labyrinth and prayer garden. Love, Pat
Pat...thanks for identifying yourself! I wasn't sure who that was...but now I get the user name. Just a little slow with all of the other stuff in my brain, I guess! We'll have to find out where the labyrinth and prayer garden are located...sounds like a project for the week! Especially if it turns out that we will be coming back later for additional treatments, it is good for us to get a feeling for the place.
Just saw Adam's post on seizures. Sounds intense, but on the flip side it's DATA!
Hang in there, y'all.
So how did the first day go? From Adam's post it sounded productive.
The hospital's web site has a list of eating places with directions.
One fun option might be Entrees on Trays. A delivery service that will bring food from one of about 20 restaurants in Ft. W. delivery fee plus dinner cost, but it might be fun once.
Focusing on food but praying for answers. Love you guys!!!!!Pat
Yep...lots of data today! During our week in Memphis in 2008, Adam only had two seizures, and he has now had 4 in less than 24 hours! That is a new Adam record, and the cool part is that they were all recorded for study, and should help the diagnostic plan process.
I just finished a post with more information about Monday's happenings,and why we are all hoping for a restful and uneventful night tonight!
Thanks for all the thoughts and love!
Hi this is Brian. I've been conspicuous by my absence so far in this blog; but Peggy is doing a fine job documenting it all. Hopefully, the worst is already behind us - now that Adam is back on his full seizure meds! Looks like we may be at the Ronald McDonald house or a hotel tomorrow. Either way, the sleeping accomidations have got to be better than what we have in the hospital. And we'll be able to turn all the lights off - yeah.
One thing different about this stint in the hospital is that I am teaching an online course this summer. A combination I don't recommend. The face-to-face version of this class would meet everyday and I can't ignore the online version much more than a day either. The hospital does have WiFi (I don't know about Ronald McD's). So it is a bit surreal going back and forth between all the staff coming and going, and filling out forms, and Adam having seizures, and then answering emails about being stuck on the homework or if they can make up stuff because they were on vacation the first week and a half of class.
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