On their way to the Nuclear Medicine facility, Dr. Monkey carefully explains the procedure that is about to take place.
To make sure that Adam won't be afraid, Dr. Monkey demonstrates the correct way to position oneself on the machine. Due to his diminutive size, Dr. Monkey barely fits on the table!
Fortunately, Adam fits much better. Dr. Monkey checks to see that Adam is positioned correctly before the test begins.
All through the test, Dr. Monkey keeps a careful eye on Adam, and works to comfort Adam's dad, as well. Dr. Monkey understands that taking care of the patient means taking care of the whole family!
What will be next for Dr. Monkey? Check back later for the further adventures of Patient Adam and the indomitable Dr. Monkey! They will drive you bananas!!!
Dr. Monkey has been going ape taking care of us. His beside manner is very a-peel-ing. He is a champ chimp whose no chump.
He does keep talking about doing a banannectomy though, so I'm not sure what that is all about.
Please do help us out with any of your primate themed puns...we need some fresh ones!
Does Dr. Monkey give haircuts too?! It looks like everyone got haircuts since I last saw them!
Actually Dr. Monkey's assistant took care of the haircuts prior to our departure for Texas. Cool cuts for summer, and also the short hair works much more easily for EEG leads!
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