Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Brain Quiz

Here is the Brain Quiz that lots of people have been asking about since its debuet at the Brain/Brian Party. The answers will be posted as a comment this coming Monday for those of you who want some time to try and figure it out.

  1. True or False: Humans are born with all of the brain cells they will ever have.

  2. Who wrote the following quote? “All we wanna do is eat your brains. We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes.”

  3. EEG is an abbreviation for
    A. Electric enhancement graph
    B. Electroencephalography
    C. Ekky Ekky Goo
    D. It’s not an abbreviation. They just misspelled egg.

  4. Which of the following have a character named “brain”?
    A. The 2008 movie Igor
    B. The 1960s TV series Thunderbirds
    C. The 1980s TV series Inspector Gadget
    D. All of the above

  5. True or False: Jellyfish have a nervous system.

  6. Finish the following quote. “Gee Brain; what do you want to do tonight?”

  7. Toxoplasma gondii is
    A. A made up word.
    B. A toxin involved in brain cancer
    C. A virus that could potentially someday cause a zombie apocalypse.
    D. A candy company based in southern Venezuela.

  8. True or False: Mental abilities are separated into the left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain.

  9. The brain consumes up to ____ percent of the energy used by the human body, more than any other organ.

  10. Who is The Brain’s arch-rival?

1 comment:

Adam said...

1. False, new neurons can be created in the postnatal brain.
2. Jonathan Coulton, from the song “Re Your Brains”
3. B
4. D
5. True, jellyfish have a nervous system consisting of a diffuse nerve net. They do not have a central nervous system.
6. “The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world.”
7. C
8. False, some mental functions such as speech and language tend to activate one hemisphere of the brain more than the other, but other abilities such as motor control, memory, and general reasoning are served equally by the two hemispheres.
9. twenty
10. Snowball, the hamster