Friday, June 13, 2008

Final thoughts

Although we did not get released on Friday, we will definitely be leaving on Saturday. Adam has one more test scheduled for Saturday morning, a final discussion with the doctor, and then I think we hit the road. The Memphis sightseeing has yet to be determined!

Our departure is rather bittersweet--although glad to be heading home, our conference with the doctor today was rather disappointing. They ran test after test after test this week only to be able to confirm what our Tulsa doctor had already told us. Instead of recommending any new treatment, they suggested Adam go back on a medication combination that his Tulsa doctor had already tried and rejected due to a lack of improvement. Memphis doctor suggested a slightly different dosage combination, but it is hard to get very hopeful. Basically, Memphis doctor determined that Adam is not really a good candidate for surgery (no guarantee that it would do any good, and potential for harm). It doesn't appear that any other viable options exist currently.

So, we pack our bags, get in our car, and drive down the road--dealing with the reality that modern medicine does not yet have all of the answers--or maybe that there are no answers to all questions. I guess we had gotten our hopes up, and now are taking a few moments to readjust our sights, and look for the positive outcomes from the week.

Again, we can't thank you enough for sharing our journey--your support made this week much more of a positive adventure!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that the end result was a disappointment. Keep those chins up- just because nothing might be available now doesn't mean something might change in the future.

Hugs to all of you! Especially you, Adam!!!!

Sharon & Charles said...

Ditto on what Emily said. They make new breakthroughs every day, and the next one might be just what Adam needs. I think a trip to Graceland is definitely in order -- if for no other reason than to make the week's oddysey look totally normal in comparison to whatever must have been going through that poor man's mind when he selected the animal print wallpaper and the shag carpet.

We love you all.

RhetorRick said...

Adam what a trooper! That had to be a very trying week but through it all you three kept the most positive outlooks. You have been, for years now, the best models for positive thinking. It will pay off. I often forget that God doesn't work on earth time.

I hope the gates at Graceland still looks like music measures, complete with treble clef. It looked that way back in '66 when I was there.

Hang in there. Love to all!