Still haven't heard anything definite about a release date/time, but we're really hoping for tomorrow. I know that the doctor would like to see at least one more seizure (we're dropping the dosage and shortening the sleep time tonight) and there are two more tests listed (HD-EEG & VEEG), but then that may be it. We don't know how much of an evaluation we will be getting before we depart, or if reports are forwarded to our Tulsa doctor for follow-up conversations. Although we would love to have lots more information before we leave, we are so ready to check-out of this oh-so-very-exclusive hotel that we'll leave as soon as we are given that option! So, I'm guessing that we will get back home without all of our questions answered, but maybe we'll at least be a little more informed. We certainly have learned a lot about all of the many, many tests that one can get for brain-related issues, we have a list of things that we might bring if we ever have to do this again, and (I'm certain) we all have mental lists of what we want to do as soon as we have the freedom to move about freely!
If indeed we are moving to the end of the week here, I want to let you know how much it has meant to us to hear from you and to know that you are thinking of us on our adventure! What a wild, strange ride it has been!
What a coincidence! "Room With a View" is the very book I've been listening to on CD while I work out on the treadmill. Now, if only I had a bathing cap and some electrodes...
We're glad to hear that your Memphis hospital oddysey may be coming to a close. We really appreciate that you set up this blog so that we could keep posted (and be posted ourselves).
It is the height of fashion here on the EMU! The tether cord is a little confining, but, hey, all fashion has a price!
We'll post a post to keep you all posted about our status, and you can post a post in return--or if we've returned home, you can send it by post! (Now does the one who posts most become the post-master?)
You are all too clever, I just can't post a post which is up to your posting postability.
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