It's now 1:00 a.m.--and in Memphis, that means it is popsicle time! Or at least if you are Adam (or a member of his attending party) and you are preparing for a test the next day where you are supposed to be sleep deprived. So since this is a family affair, we will ALL be properly sleep deprived!
So, when the movie ended at 12:45, and the nurse stopped by to see if we needed anything (and were still dutifully staying awake), she suggested a popsicle, and Adam (not wanting to hurt her feelings) kindly took one! Isn't he the nicest?
We do get to sleep in tomorrow morning (well, at least we won't have to be awoken at 6:00 a.m.), and then on to various somethings tomorrow. More then (unless something REALLY exciting happens yet tonight!)--it would have to be really, really good, because I'm having to re-type at least every other word because my fingers and my brain no longer seem to be connected. Wonder if the lack of sleep thing is kicking in here?
Hey Adam and Kaney family, Dr. Nick here. Hope all is going well. I didn't know you were going in for tests??? Kathy D. sent this to me. Well Adam my prayers are with you and I especially like the head gear... Also, what did all the buttons do when you pressed them?
Didn't somebody say sleep is over rated? It wasn't me, but somebody said that...
I know that I have tried to cram too much in a day before, and have given up much needed sleep, but I'm not sure that I have ever been this tired before. Sleep is now my friend...although one I only will be visiting infrequently for at least one more night!
Hi Dr. Nick,
Thanks for reading our blog. They're doing lots of different tests here. The bed with the buttons is really cool! I especially like lifting my knees up and lifting my head up to make it more like a recliner. I also have the TV control and I have to be careful not to hit the nurse's call button! My mom has already had to answer two mistake calls. :-(
Everyone is really nice here, but I'll be glad to get home!
Catherine here.
I've been reading your blog everyday and it took me a while to figure out I needed to register, I thought I had an account but it did not work...
It looks like Adam is being a good sport!The head gear is a real fashion statement!
What flavor popsicle?
Thanks for checking in! The head gear is now starting to fray a bit (as we are up to 2 1/2 days now), but still stylish! The popsicle was red--Adam thinks strawberry. Anything to keep it interesting here!
Love, Peggy and all
About the head-wrap, maybe you can stitch a few beads around the head? or add sparkles to refresh it?
I am trying to write the intro. to my proposal, not a lot of inspiration, my EEG must be the moment.
More thunderstorms and tornado watch over Kansas tonight...
We lost one feeder fish in the lovely water tank/pond today... (mulberries indigestion?)
The waterlily I got last week reached the surface, there are 2 little leaves and the Nile papyrus is acclimated!
Ooops Tornado in Salina at the moment... coming east...
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