Adam convinces him to change out of his civilian clothes (can you tell he is an OSU fan just like Adam?), and to get ready for his real job.
Quick, Doctor Monkey--this patient needs to move quickly to surgery!
Adam watches from the room as Doctor Monkey moves the patient (Prayer Bear) out of the room and moves toward surgery.
Another crisis narrowly averted thanks to the fast thinking of Adam and, of course, Doctor Monkey!
DOCTOR MONKEY!!! That's awesome. I hope all is going well, sounds like morale is high. Hopefully staying at the RmCD house will work out, too bad the insurance is being crazy. Well, I hope all is going well and in recognition of the Ronald McDonald house I'm going to McDonnald's for lunch. Hang in there Adam! Well, big gulps huh? See ya later!
Yes...Dr. Monkey has been keeping up in fine shape. We needed something to perk us up after Tuesday! Today was much better...lots of testing which keeps us busy, and it looks like we'll be able to finish out the week at the hospital due to ongoing, complex negotiations between the hospital and the insurance company and Brian. We did go ahead and take the room at the Ronald McDonald House, which works out nicely since there is really only one reasonable surface to sleep on in Adam's room. So, Brian will likely stay off site, and I'll stay here, and it all works out OK! Thanks for having a McDonald's lunch in support of our plight!
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