Friday, June 24, 2011

Something about this is familiar...

In what feels a bit familiar, we will be heading out tomorrow to Ft. Worth, TX (are there any other Ft. Worth's?) for a stay in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at Cook Children's Medical Center. Those of you who have been with us throughout this journey may recall a similar trek in 2008 to Memphis. If you are joining us fairly recently, you can look back at the posts on this blog to that time period to get a preview of our upcoming week! Although the length of the stay or the specific tests may not be exactly the same, we anticipate a similar experience.

The goals this time are a little bit different...our original trip to Ft. Worth in March was to meet with a movement disorder specialist (a specialized neurologist) to talk about possible directions that might be considered for Adam's dystonia--specifically, Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. However, before we can go further into that possibility, we need to make sure that there is nothing surgical that should be considered as a response to the epilepsy. (That was one of the possibilities being considered and ultimately set aside during our Memphis trip.) So...three years later, different doctors, different city, different hospital...we'll do this again. If it turns out that the feeling is still that surgery is not the path to address the epilepsy, then we will move forward with considering other options (possibly surgical) for the dystonia. We are hopeful that this week will bring new ideas for treatment...but if not, at least a confirmation by new faces that we are doing all we can do at this time. we finish packing up, tomorrow we drive to Ft. Worth, and Sunday we check in. Stay posted for updates, and feel free to comment keeps us connected and encouraged!


RhetorRick said...

Wish I could go with you. All the best for Adam, and for the fam, I know this is for all of you. God Bless you all.

Susan said...

Being a librarian, I had to check a gazetteer to see if there are any other Fort Worths. There is a fort in Virginia and a post office in Alabama, but otherwise just the city in Texas.

Anonymous said...

We will be on the road with you in spirit! And following things here.

Peggy said...

Thanks to all for checking in and a special thanks to Susan for responding to my reference question! It means so much to us to know that we have good friends and family cheering us on this week! said...

I'm grateful to be a part of your journey. I look forward to the blogs.