Adam is amazed that he even has homework (in the guise of a 498 question long form) that he needs to complete! Notice the lovely set of wires dangling jauntily from the back of his head. They are in many lovely colors, and they provide this very helpful readout of brain activity. Very helpful if you know what you are looking at, I'm sure! Adam has been trying out different movements to see how it changes the display. Favorites are blinking his eyes (two of the lines make sharp jumps) and clinching his teeth (lots of the lines jump up and down very close together for a rather solid line.
This is the EEG test read-out that is constantly showing on a monitor in Adam's room. The read-out reminds me of a seismograph (that measures earthquake activity). So, this is basically measuring the rumblings (as opposed to ramblings) of Adam's brain. At some point this week they have scheduled a High Density EEG, which uses a cap of some sort with even more points to measure the activity and movements. Maybe he could get down to specific freckle movement on that one! We'll find out later...and we'll let you know!
Sounds as if everything is going well, everything is going well here. I'm off to the Young's for dinner. I'll talk to you this evening, I'm sure!
Can Adam wiggle his ears? His nose? Any funny squiggles on the screen if he rolls his tongue?
We'll do a test later this evening! Fun at the hospital...there has to be a way to make this entertaining! It appears we have been given a reprieve on the bedtime for tonight, so maybe a little more sleep is coming our way! Yeah!!!
We'd take homework over sleep deprivation any day! Especially if it's work that one can do at home in bed! Speaking of work, Charles started his new job yesterday. Don't think we've told you guys much about it, but the learning curve is high and I bet he'd be willing to switch places with Adam right now! I'll see if I can whip up some groovy headgear for him so he can at least look like Adam!
We see Spamalot tomorrow!!! We're very excited and thinking about you all a lot. Hang in there Adam! It'll be worth it in the end. And eat a popsicle for us!!!
love, Auntie Sharon & Uncle Charles
(Is this too formal for a blog post? Everyone else's is shorter. Oh well, what can you expect from a couple of writers.)
wow! adam sure is strong! i wonder what curling his tongue would do. ;0D
I think that on blogs anything goes--formal or informal is fine with us! It has meant so much to hear from family and friends...we're all getting a little cozy and stir-crazy!
Enjoy Spamalot--we certainly did!!!
Tell us more about the new job, Charles!
Love from the temporarily transplanted Kaney's
We found that tongue movements seemed to trigger responses from a couple of lines--they seemed to move opposite of each other, either moving away or together forming a long oval. Sticking out the tongue and curling it looked very similar! So far we haven't gotten any feedback from the EEG techs who are monitoring the feedback as it rolls in...I'm hoping that they are amused!!! I can't imagine that Adam is the first patient to experiment with the EEG feedback!
Is it just physical movement that stimulates the EEG? What about if he thinks about funny things (picture Kyron giving himself a haircut or putting gum in his hair *sighs*)as compared to boring things (doing homework hehe) to sad things (Kris is out of chocolate at the moment). Hehe, Adam, ya like being a guinea pig for people who obviously have no life like me and have time on their hands to think of these questions? *insert squeak here* OK I'll leave ya alone for now Kaneys *big hugs*
I'm with kayshan on this -- I too have no life and wonder what happens on the EEG when Adam *thinks* different things? How do abstract thoughts (eg, emotions, colors) compare to concrete thoughts (say, mentally picture an apple)?
Other than curiosity about how Adam's brain works, there is of course sincere concern for his well-being. Hang in there Adam. I've been blowing my acorn-top-whistle in your honor :)
OK--so we tried the "think" test, with no statistically significant results. Quoting Adam, "on conscious thoughts, it doesn't seem to have any real effect. But different facial expressions will stimulate it much more than that. My favorite so far has got to clenching my teeth. Nice dark lines on that one!"
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